There are two levels in the game, the Moon Facility, which is a new environment, filled with slime enemies. And it also serves as a tutorial, teaching you the basics of the game.
The second level is the Ember Forest, which was in the first alpha. Except now it's been massively expanded. Featuring 5 enemy types. It's a somewhat challenging level to the novice so buying health upgrades is recommended.
In addition to that, the store system is implemented, it allows you to upgrade Nax's abilities, which include upgrading health, weapons, snatcher, item slots and coin pulling ability.
There is a new Hub menu from which you can select a level to play, view Nax's stats, customize via shop, change options and more.
The Save/Load system has been revamped, so saving will save all your stats, but not your position in the level. you'll be kicked back to the Hub menu when you load game. This was done for balance reasons, to stop people from abusing the chests which gives random items.
Another new addition is the Options menu. Which includes a variety of options, from zoom settings, to the often requested, button remapping. The sound options in the menu don't work yet, because I've yet to actively work on the sound.
I've also added an option called "Unlock Movelist" which will instantly unlock Nax's entire moveset without having to upgrade, so people can get a feel of what a full powered Nax is like. You can reset it to normal by turning the option off, saving and quitting the game.
Anyway, the new demo is a lot longer than the first, and hopefully less buggy. It's still an alpha, as such a lot of the effects are placeholder until I have time to improve them (namely stuff like barriers)
Have fun :)